June 27, 2013
The Best PTC for you!

May 2, 2013
Please note that the system is still a work in progress and lacks many of the features we will be adding in the upcoming days and weeks.
Though we thoroughly tested the system, we would ask that you please report any bugs or suggestions to affiliates@hostgator.com
Please note that the ticket system may have a high amount of requests in the next week and it may take longer to respond than usual.
Please do not reply multiple times or come into our livechat, your ticket will be answered as soon as possible!
Again, please send any bugs, suggestions or even feature requests to affiliates@hostgator.com
Please note, we were not able to move hits, unique hits, and referers from the old system.
This information will be collected going into the future in the new system.
We are going to be able to provide much more in-depth tracking details in the upcoming weeks.

July 6, 2012
Power List Marketing

Power List Marketing caught my eye recently. It was promoted to me as the total and complete marketers site, allowing you to capture names and email addresses from every click on the net and after looking into it - I have to say I am impressed.
I joined and took the upgrades - I figured, they offer a money back guarantee so why not..? You are not in any way required to take the upgrades to get the benefits of the site. However, they do multiply the benefits, I have found.
What a concept - I must say.
The building of a list online is perhaps one of the most important skills you can ever have and this site is the most incredibly easy to use system
to literally explode your list.
This benefits WHATEVER you promote.
No matter if it is a Clickbank product, a matrix, an MLM or ANYTHING. Even Google ad words and 'traditional' style of marketing can reap huge benefits from this site.
You get to create your own opt in lists on total autopilot.
Now there have been other sites that have done this, but none that then throw in a TOTAL Auto-responder system and Email marketing follow up system as well.
The 'Secret Weapon' Sales system is a method for showing FULL PAGE ads -
And not just from clicks on your own links - but from clicks on links across the whole network and in fact across the ENTIRE INTERNET!!
Imagine that -
Totally targeted, unblock-able, Full page ad views from people that have already said they are interested.....
That alone is going to put a lot of dough in my pocket over the years to come.
And this works virally--meaning as you make referrals into Power List Marketing (either by promoting it or just using it and visitors click the Power List Marketing image on the Full Page ad window to join) you also earn ad credits on THEIR link clicks. And this works up to 5 levels deep. So you can create a massive amount of free ad views and web traffic by referring others to Power List Marketing also.
I didn't get to test the full effect of a big down-line yet (I just got the tool) but I can tell you the rest of the site works exactly as stated--my links got clicked, My list is growing at a rate I have never seen before, and my ads got displayed. Power List Marketing even tracked my results so I know how many clicks and how many ad displays. That was an impressive unadvertised extra feature.
There is one more benefit and feature which might be the best of them all--down-line emailing. You can email your down-line with offers, promotions, or whatever you like, and here is where Power List Marketing really shines. They took time to make the emailing often enough that it's valuable as a user, but no so often that it's a burden to your down-line. But the best part about this feature (and actually the credit earning too) is that it tells you exactly how long until you can mail again. They even give you an instant 250 Member down-line to mail to - before your first referral, but... THE TOP LEVEL IS WHERE TO BE FOR SERIOUS MARKETERS - A GUARANTEED 3000 MEMBER MAIL OUT COMES WITH THE PACKAGE... Whoa!
Overall I have to say I am impressed with Power List Marketing. It is simple yet powerful, and delivers on its promises. Highly recommended to anyone who wants to explode their list and benefit from some excellent advertising.
See it and join here: (I negotiated to give anyone that joins through my link, instant EXECUTIVE membership, but this is not forever, so make haste)
June 29, 2012
SFI, TripleClicks.

TripleClicks Free Listing Program
Rules For Participation
A primary method for attracting new TripleClicks customers is by offering a free Private Seller listing.
SFI provides a variety of marketing aids for this promotion including E-Cards, X-Cards, banners, and flyers.
If you wish to receive 100% of the enrollments you generate for marketing methods offering the free Private Seller listing (including E-Cards, X-Cards, banners, flyers, etc.), you can do so by simply purchasing TripleClicks credits.
So long as you have TripleClicks credits in your account, you'll always be awarded 100% of the TripleClicks customers you generate, regardless of the marketing method employed. We will deduct one of your credits each time a free listing is redeemed by one of your enrollments.
If you'd prefer not to have to purchase credits, SFI will defer every fourth enrollment generated by the free Private Seller listing offer to the S-Builder Co-op. SFI will incur, on your behalf, and at no charge to you, the cost of the free listing for 3 of every 4 TripleClicks enrollments you generate. In other words, SFI will pick up the cost on 75% of your enrollments, but the remaining 25% of your enrollments will be deferred to the S-Builder Co-op (to be assigned to someone else).
SUMMARY: If you wish to employ the TripleClicks free listing promotion, you can do so at no cost to you, but one of every four of your enrollments will be deferred to someone else. If you prefer to keep 100% of your enrollments for yourself, simply keep TripleClicks credits in your account and we will deduct one credit each time a free listing is redeemed by one of your enrollments.
June 16, 2012
Just released, a fresh new program that’s specifically targeted to the busy internet marketer like you.
Do you want to maximise your marketing to gain the most exposure for your business? Do you want to promote consistently to generate an increased income? Do you want to follow-up automatically with your prospects & keep them interested?
You can do ALL that and much more from the one site AND save a ton of time as well! Take a look now at the amazing benefits of joining our program today & put your success on fast-forward Click here =
June 15, 2012
Herculist !!!!!

You'll Love this FREE System!
Join Herculist For FREE and Submit Your Ad!
56950 + Herculist Members!

April 30, 2012
Subscribers Magnet

Blogger! Frustrated about your low subscription rates?
I know how devastatingly sad it feels like to work
day and night for attracting lots of high-quality
visitors on your blog [sticky readers], yet getting
only a few of them to join your mailing list.
So, what can YOU do about this...
Is there any "reliable" way to MAGICALLY
increase your subscription rate with the
same number of visitors to your blog
and without increasing your traffic?
YES! You see, few days ago I've discovered
an amazingly powerful plugin that helps struggling bloggers
skyrocket their mailing list subscription rates.
That means you too will be able to:
* BOOST your mailing list subscriptions...
* ATTRACT [a lot] more comments...
* INCREASE your click through rates on your
sponsor ads and maximize your [affiliate] revenue
This easy-to-use plugin -- 'Subscribers Magnet' --
is PROVEN to rapidly build your email list,
without you having to know any html coding or programming!
And here's the most exciting part about it:
1. You can add your optin form anywhere in your wordpress
blog, including in the sidebar, in the footer, in the post
itself and even in the comments - with one mouse click!
Imagine "hitting" your visitors multiple times
with your newsletter/offer, and reminding them
about it, in a friendly, non intrusive manner.
2. It works with AWeber, GetResponse, and
all the other major autoresponders out there
3. You can create as many optin forms as you like
and get free lifetime updates -- and upgrades.
Also, imagine your visitors landing on your blog,
and not having to type in their name/email address
to join your list!
This plugin will automatically fill the visitors'
name/email in the opt-in form on your blog,
saving them time and getting you more sign-ups!
I strongly recommend you try it out today
and see your subscriptions skyrocket like
never before...

MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate

When you use affiliate link directly then there's always a
possiblity that other can replace your affiliate information
with their own and earn commissions themselves instead of you.
By using this plugin, you can stop the commission thieves right
on and let no one steal your hard-earned commisions ever again.
And, I've saved the best part for the last. The "Keyword to
Ninja Link" feature - that means by using this plugin you can
convert any keyword in your wordpres blog to affiliate link
which will passively earn you commission forever. The active
start to your passive blog commission begins here:
The best time is now, so join now the "inner circle" of
5% select few smart bloggers who use "MaxBlogPress Ninja
Affiliate" to maximize their affiliate earning. You can just be
an average Joe blogger or a MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate blogger.
Stick to a wiser choice, visit here:
Blogging to the Bank 2010 - The Truth!

Blogging has been around for a few years now. Most people use blogs to record their thoughts and lives, while a select few use them as a free way to make a fortune.
One guy who uses this to his advantage is Rob Benwell. In 2006 he dished the dirt on the tips and tricks to making a fortune using blogging. But as time passes the old systems become obsolete and new techniques are required. This is where his brand new, fresh off the press Blogging to the Bank 2010 system comes into play.
For those who know who Rob Benwell is like me, you’ve probably made a killing using blogs.
For those who don’t, he’s the story:
Back in 2005 he was struggling to make any profit online, had dropped out of college and was getting deep into debt. He was trying all the techniques the gurus tell you and wasn’t getting anywhere fast. All of that went in the bin and he started using his own techniques and started making more and more money using simple blogs. In early 2006 he shared this with the world and had a great ebook called blogging to the bank. Tons of people got rich from using these techniques (including me). He then spoke at Online Marketing Legend Yanik Silver’s underground Seminar where he revealed even more of his underground strategies. Then July 2007 he released Blogging to the Bank 2.0 which showed users his new methods to creating online wealth using blogs. In total both versions have been read by over 50,000 people across the world.
But as I said earlier, the techniques used in these ebooks are now showing there age. Some of them are not even working in the slightest! This is where blogging to the bank 2010 comes into play.
It’s full of great new techniques that work online right now! Everything’s explained in plain English with all the fluff cut out. I got hold of an advanced copy of the book for a much higher price than what it actually sells for and it has been worth every single cent! I got it in the afternoon and by the evening I was creating new profitable blogs. Within a couple of hours of them being active I had made a nice little profit.
Blogging To The Bank 2010 teaches you Robs new step by step blueprint to creating highly profitable long term niche blogs using the newest optimization techniques. There’s even a section on advanced Search Engine Optimization. Most people think SEO is difficult but Rob explains this nice and simply so even the blogging newbie will understand it.
Blogging To The Bank 2010 is a breath of fresh air and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to make easy money online.
Click below for more information about this system

October 6, 2011
September 9, 2011
The Best PTC
These PTCs below provided are new but from trusted owners, so feel free to join. Bigtimebux- Same owner than Incrasebux
Earn up to $0.02 per click and $0.02 for every referral click. Min $2 Instant Payout Paypal, Alertpay, Liberty Reserve
At Onbux3.com first 20,000 members get silver for free ? new members get 0.1 to account balance. ? earn up $0.05 per click ? earn up $0.015 per referral click ? no minimum payout for all members . ? instant payments and receiving system. ? no investment require in order to payout ? all payouts are guaranteed
Members | Your click | Ref click | Ads | Min payout | Paid time | Payment processor |
Free | 0.005$ | 0.0025$ | 5 | 2$ | Manual | AlertPay |
Upgraded | 0.01$ | 0.005$ | 10 | 2$ | Instant |
PTC (paid to click), in translation means "paid to click." "Paid to Click" is an internet business model that attracts a remarkable amount of online traffic from those who smile the idea of earning money online quickly and easily. Sites such acts on two fronts: those who want to do advertising and those who want to make money from advertising. Thus, those who advertise their pay to display their ads on the PTC site and some of these gains are consumers, to those who see the ads and click on them. All you have to do is sign up and give every day click on advertisements (ads must be viewed for 10-30 seconds depending on the site). Earnings range from tens of dollars per month to hundreds or even thousands of dollars depending on the site and referrals. Referrals are people you persuade to sign up on your link. Each member has the opportunity to upgrade the account, thus becoming the largest gain. Those with uncertainties waiting for them with questions. Success! What to do and what are earnings? Registration in these sites is free and does not require any investment, so you have nothing to lose by trying. Most such programs have an option to upgrade so you can be paid higher amounts to get higher bonuses and earn more money from those brought to you in the program. To make a profit as possible to bring more people to register on your part. The more people you bring with you the most money. All you need to be paid by the PTC is an account of online payment processor PayPal. It can free account. After receiving money from PayPal or AlertPay account, you can request that money be transferred to an account or card and so get money from you.
How does PTC?
You do such a site account (takes less than 1 minute), then start advertising or web pages for about 30sec. Such a system but is based primarily on how many friends you can bring into the system, which in turn create their account and click on links to advertisements. Thus you will earn on average one cent per click or view and another penny for each click or view a friend brought you (Referral). It's good to know that on average the sites like that lets you click on the 5-10 links (ads) per day, so it is essential to convince as many friends to make one account for the your earnings for them and also be e very good to have one account on several such sites. Do not forget to click on ads each day, if not click on ads a day, the next day will not benefit from referral-s. A short calculation shows that if you do 10 clicks per day (which it takes about 5 minutes) earn 10 cents per day ie $ 3 / month. If you have 20 referrals (friends) who do the same, you still earn $ 2 per day so $ 60 / month, that means about $ 63 / month for one site. The more referrals you have, the more you win, and that only 3-4 hours per month for clicks. PTC sites ..... The first page gives you the best-known and serious sites that can make money on the model explained above. I mention that I put just a list of sites that have old, which certainly paid on time and have lasted and will last. There are sites that I removed and remove the money. The list of these sites you will find on the first page, all you have to do to click on the links shown, you make an account (about 1 minute), then begin to "work."
Good luck!
September 5, 2011

Job at home
Whether you are looking for a profitable job at home or whether you wish getting cash on the internet; yes, finally, you located it!Get economic freedom
No computer skills necessary. You may be completely new to handle our platform - you don't need ANY knowledge. This is actually simple.You can stay at room and work at your free time. Even whether you don't have computer you may do this task in Internet cafe or on Internet cell phone.
How it works?
We make a online-store for you with ready to operate e-commerce products. Your work is pretty simple; you have to post data about your internet-store to the Online sources. We will provide you with very simple step-by-step instruction how to do this. The typical instruction asks you to open a online website and fill in a form with data regarding your online-store and products.You will be paid from US $20.00 to US 180.00 for any purchase which is comes using your web-store.
There is no restriction for your revenue. No matter where you live your pay outs are 100% guaranteed.
Sign up Now...
Register now to get economic freedom. All you need is the simple: sign up now and havepersonal web business!
August 8, 2011
Global Gold Exchange

- Click My Account. From the drop down click My Advertisement.
- Fill in your Text Information and save.
- Wait for approval.
- When it is approved, it will be seen by other members and if you get lucky that day, they may sign up for your url.
- Members will be paid for advertisements that they click($0.01 for each click-pro member while free member will get $0.0025
- You will be paid for promoting GGE: premium member will be paid $0.01 for each visitor (unlimited), free member will be paid $0.0025 (limited to 30 visitors per day). If the visitor decides to be a premium member, premium member will be paid $1.00 while free member will be paid $0.50 for the referral bonus.
- Go to Traffic Agent menu
- Choose any of the traffic means that are listed on that page only inorder for you to get paid.
- Sign up and get your instructions from the site.
- Promote GGE. You can get your url, banner, splash page in Promoting Tools menu. Copy and paste them in the advertising section in Traffic Exchange that you join.
- At any time of your GGE promotion and in case that sales had been made you will get the 50% commission.
- At any time, if you feel that you will had a better earning as a pro member in any Traffic Exchange that you had join and wish to turn pro, you will get 5% payback of the cost that you had bought on condition you are GGE referral not anyone else referral.
- Pool earning will be filled in as your pro referrals coming in.
6. Feel free to contact our support if you need our assistant.
Earning for Promoting GGE
- Conversion of viewed urls to unique visitors.
- Adds on value(incentives) to members account (applicable to pro members only):
20% visitors added for members who joined and use more than 5 TEs .
10% visitors added for members who joined less than 5 TEs
- GGE account is meant for one member holder. If your surfing activities is detected done by many people, your account will be deleted.
- All members are requested to use their own local ISP, no proxy is allowed
Dear member,
If you are serious about extra earning, please upgrade to platinum membership which will only cost you USD 10.00. Upon activation you will be place in Referral Matrix and you will be paid instantly when new platinum members sign up. You will get paid into your paypal account immediate after commissions reach USD100.00. You can check below how much commissions you will get for each levels.
LEVEL | Referrals | Commissions |
1st level (USD 1.00) | 5 | USD 5.00 |
2nd level (USD 0.12) | 25 | USD 3.00 |
3rd level (USD 0.12) | 125 | USD 15.00 |
4th level (USD 0.12) | 625 | USD 75.00 |
5th level (USD 0.12) | 3,125 | USD 375.00 |
6th level (USD 0.12) | 15,625 | USD 1,875.00 |
If you are a newbie on internet programs, be sure to buy Step-by-Step Guidance to GlobalGoldExchange Affiliate Program to help you do the right thing and earning a better income. To purchase, please continue on to the link below to purchase.
GGE Affiliate Program is a great opportunity for you to earn significant income in 7 separate ways..
- People GGE placed as your referrals*
- People you personally referred*
- 50% of GGE commissions from various merchants will be shared among members.
- 5% payback to your account from GGE for purchasing products from our existing merchants.
- Referrals matrix system
- Promoting Sites
- Advertisement Clicks
Platinum Members, you are placed in Referral Matrix and you will be paid instantly when new platinum members sign up. You will get paid into your paypal account immediate after commissions reach USD100.00. You can check below how much commissions you will get for each levels.
LEVEL | Referrals | Commissions |
1st level (USD 1.00) | 5 | USD 5.00 |
2nd level (USD 0.12) | 25 | USD 3.00 |
3rd level (USD 0.12) | 125 | USD 15.00 |
4th level (USD 0.12) | 625 | USD 75.00 |
5th level (USD 0.12) | 3,125 | USD 375.00 |
6th level (USD 0.12) | 15,625 | USD 1,875.00 |
When you receive your first email from GGE, make sure to click 'not bulk', not junk, or not spam. This helps our sender reputation a lot which ensures that our emails get through to you so you can be notified of any events that you could benefit and earn.
April 3, 2011
Business Bea Manager
We have developed a business model based Beam Development MLM (income from multiple reference levels). MLM model advantages are ... accessibility (extremely cheap) and exponential growth (not just through our own efforts but also through the efforts of the team that put it to work)!
However ... Business Beam is not a MLM scheme in the classic sense because you are not a simple affiliate paid by company!
Beam is a franchise system, because it gives you all the necessary resources (key business) to generate profit. Thus, you will:
A network ofdozens pages for sale !
A custom course (e-mail) that sells for you!
A course (via email) that prepares you prepare yourself and your people!
A piece of editing that you can develop your sales pages as you want, using the resources of the mother site (video presentations, flash presentation, presentation, etc.)!
An automated system that I manage "sales" and send your money directly into your account!
Here: http://vur.me/velier/BM
And yet ... Beam is not a franchise that makes you seller!
Constantin Clement