April 30, 2012

Subscribers Magnet

Blogger! Frustrated about your low subscription rates?

I know how devastatingly sad it feels like to work
day and night for attracting lots of high-quality
visitors on your blog [sticky readers], yet getting
only a few of them to join your mailing list.

So, what can YOU do about this...

Is there any "reliable" way to MAGICALLY
increase your subscription rate with the
same number of visitors to your blog
and without increasing your traffic?

YES! You see, few days ago I've discovered
an amazingly powerful plugin that helps struggling bloggers
skyrocket their mailing list subscription rates.

That means you too will be able to:

 * BOOST your mailing list subscriptions...

 * ATTRACT [a lot] more comments...

 * INCREASE your click through rates on your
sponsor ads and maximize your [affiliate] revenue

This easy-to-use plugin -- 'Subscribers Magnet' --
is PROVEN to rapidly build your email list,
without you having to know any html coding or programming!

And here's the most exciting part about it:

1. You can add your optin form anywhere in your wordpress
blog, including in the sidebar, in the footer, in the post
itself and even in the comments - with one mouse click!

Imagine "hitting" your visitors multiple times
with your newsletter/offer, and reminding them
about it, in a friendly, non intrusive manner.

2. It works with AWeber, GetResponse, and
all the other major autoresponders out there

3. You can create as many optin forms as you like
and get free lifetime updates -- and upgrades.

Also, imagine your visitors landing on your blog,
and not having to type in their name/email address
to join your list!

This plugin will automatically fill the visitors'
name/email in the opt-in form on your blog,
saving them time and getting you more sign-ups!

I strongly recommend you try it out today
and see your subscriptions skyrocket like
never before...
Subscribers Magnet

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